Unlimited configurability with BPA’s new Step Forms

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In this video we are introducing the BPA Step Form, showcasing its application in document and nonconformity management workflows. The Step Form simplifies these workflows by replacing multiple form configurations with a single form that includes a progression bar.

Follow along as we create a new document request, demonstrating how the step form guides users through different stages, including registration, document attachment, template selection, and document review and approval. Certain sections become mandatory or read-only based on the user’s selections, enhancing the form’s compliance and usability. Visualize better the whole process of managing documents from draft to publication, including steps for document review, approval, collecting signatures, and training receipts before publishing.

The Step Form is used as well for registering nonconformities, with steps for investigation, action plan, and checking the effectiveness of actions. Dynamic messages and mandatory fields guide the user based on the type of nonconformity.

Easily create and customize your forms with BPA’s easy-to-use and no-code form designer.