Shift to ultimate quality management with BPA Premium edition

We are proud to announce the next-coming release of our eQMS Premium Edition for Quality and Medical compliance.
This all-inclusive offering is a real shift in digital quality, ensuring that all internal and external stakeholders are actively contributing to a unified, integrated, cross-functional eQMS, and leveraging innovative Microsoft 365 cloud-based technologies used by most organizations.
With the BPA Premium plan you get the best of BPA and Microsoft technologies applied to quality management packaged in one turnkey solution, including:
- Power Apps for frontline users to report events with any mobile device,
- Mobile apps to simplify audit management,
- Instant messaging solutions to prompt the QMS while chatting in Teams,
- Prebuilt advanced automated workflows to minimize manual work,
- “Q” the Virtual Quality Assistant to boost productivity with GenAI,
- Preconfigured Power BI reports,
- ERP connectors, and
- our ready-to-use integrated eQMS software.
We have selected our best-selling modules and extensions to boost your business productivity, improve the quality of your products and services, and deliver a seamless user experience. Do not worry anymore about which workflow, app or extension you may need: we have packaged the most requested features in the Premium edition.
Our all-inclusive offering strengthens continuous improvement, allowing any internal or external user to report events with any device, anywhere and making sure accurate data is available in the QMS to drive continuous improvement. Auditors’ monitoring processes are even more efficient in combination with innovative Power Apps, also when offline. Combined with GenAI automation, the system generates answers to audit questions with reference to your compliance documents (read this blog artible). The preconfigured CAPA/action Power BI report is the main place to ensure the whole QMS is efficient.
BPA’s FLEX licensing model
To simplify our offering even further and facilitate your decision-making, we introduced a unique FLEX licensing model, officially replacing user, reader, and signer licenses. We propose a unique licensing price with a volume discount and you manage permissions given to your collaborators’ responsibilities.
Shift today to Intelligent Quality, enabling instant improvement and paving the way for cross-functional collaboration. The new generation of users will love interacting with BPA’s eQMS while chatting on Teams, avoiding inefficient email-driven processes.
Let GenAI boost productivity, ensure compliance with regulations, and provide your business with a unique and robust competitive advantage.
Discover our premium edition now!