Office 365 CRM Software

View the video and discover why our CRM software on Office 365 is the perfect CRM for small and mid-sized businesses.
Smaller organizations are affected by revenue losses & poor conversion rates, they have no option for dedicated CRM resources and no time/money for complex CRM software.
BPA CRM is an out-of-the-box solution, it’s easy to use, efficient and cost-effective. The software is natively built on Office 365 & SharePoint. It is ready to be installed in your Office 365 tenant.
The app brings a unique user experience, because all important tools used by sales persons are in one single interface, like emails, reminders, calendar, telephony, instant discussions, collaborative team sites and more. Power users can easily create powerful mobile apps, workflows and advanced reports with no development needed.
The software is built on the top of our no-code app building platform. Non-IT persons can adapt or extend it very quickly.