Announcing New Equipment & Asset Power Apps
The new Equipment & Asset Power Apps is announced to be released soon with the objective to simplify equipment or asset management, equipment identification, verification, maintenance and calibration. The Power Apps is intended to be used for any equipment type, like production and measurement equipment or digital assets.
The frontend Equipment Power Apps works jointly with BPA back-office software solutions (QMS and Medical). It’s compliant with any device, like phones or tablets, and can be used offline for equipment verifications. The app was designed to be generic and match typical organizations needs.
Equipment can be added easily or mass imported in the BPA software with their needed properties, like a verification procedure or checklist. A barcode is automatically generated for each equipment.
Equipment list in the BPA software, with related barcodes and photos.
The barcode reader integrated in the Equipment Power Apps provides a quick and easy way to search for an equipment. The barcode reader can be used with your device, with no need of an extra scanning device.
Barcode scanner in the Equipment Power Apps.
Once the equipment barcode is scanned, the equipment page opens in the app with equipment details, photo and verification document. The verification procedure can be viewed in the app (or downloaded in a separate app).
Equipment details in the Equipment Power Apps, including photo, and verification procedure.
From the equipment page, it’s possible to start the verification process (planned or unplanned), and view the recent verification history.
Equipment verification form in the Equipment Power Apps, including photos of completed verification checklist and cable.
Planned or unplanned verifications can be done with the app. A photo of the verification checklist or any photo can be added as proof of evidence.
Pending verifications (for the connected user) can be viewed in a separate page. It’s also possible to search for equipment in a specific location or from a selected category.
In the BPA software, planned verifications are automatically created based on verification frequency (with prebuilt Power Automate workflows). Reminder notifications are sent to equipment responsible persons about next-coming and overdue verifications.
All equipment and verification data, photos and notes are automatically stored in the BPA software.
The app welcome page and app background colors can be changed in the app settings.
The Equipment Power Apps is and extension of the BPA software (priced separately).