Shift to Instant Quality with BPA & Microsoft Teams – ASQ Live Demo 2021

Shift to instant quality with BPA software and Microsoft Teams – ASQ Live Product Demo, May 2021
This live BPA product showcase was presented during the ASQ virtual conference for quality and improvement, on May 27, 2021.
BPA develop innovative software solutions for quality and compliance to run in your secure Office 365 environment, with Microsoft Teams and SharePoint, leveraging the Microsoft Power Platform with Power Automate, Power BI and Power Apps.
During this live demo, you learn how to move to instant quality using our modern QMS software together with Microsoft Teams, in the context of nonconformity and CAPA management.
In this session, we demonstrate how easy anyone can report a nonconformity by taking photos with a mobile device, and instantly alert all members from your improvement team. We go through a typical 8D problem-solving process, using BPA QMS software directly inside Microsoft Teams, together with discussions and video conferencing. We explore Power BI reports to consolidate CAPA actions in a central dashboard and make your weekly improvement meetings productive.
Discover how you can significantly increase your improvement teams reactivity, reduce time to close incidents, and improve efficiency by using our QMS software with Teams, discussion flows and Office 365.